Monday, September 20, 2010

Playing blog catch-up: Tonsillectomy

So I can get you caught up on how my surgery went... I'll just copy and paste you the e-mail I sent out to my parents and siblings, updating them on my surgery.

Here you go. Please note that I may have been on prescription medication. So, here are my apologies in advance if the context is a bit 'loopy'. :)

Hi Family,
Just wanted to give you guys the quick story on having my tonsils removed! I'll probably blog about it too but am bored right now and thought I'd shoot you all an e-mail... even though I know your computers aren't working really well. We got to the hospital on time and they set me up in my own bed. They made me change out of all of my clothes and put on a gown that didn't tie in the back. My appointment was at 8am and couldn't eat or drink anything from midnight the night before. They decided to put an IV in me and start me on fluids. The nurse stuck me in my left wrist but my vein ruptured (her words, not mine). So she tried my right wrist, and that vein ruptured too. Then she called over another nurse and he stuck me a third time, on the top of my right hand. This vein also ruptured. OUCH! This is 3 very painful sticks and by now I am crying. Of course. So then another male nurse came in and said he was going to do it. He found a vein about 6 inches up my right arm and stuck it. Thankfully this one worked!!! It hurt really bad. They all kept apologizing though, and told me thanks for challenging them so early in the morning.

They made me take off all of my jewelry and took the nail polish off of my big toes. I know they explained to me why they did this but I don't remember why. Anyway, I finally had to use the restroom so they draped another gown around the back of me and helped me walk to the bathroom. I took the draped thing off of me and laid it across the sink but the water automatically turned on and soaked it. oops.

The results came back negative for babies (HOORAY) so then they started me on anesthesia. I gave George a kiss and then started giggling. Everyone in the room (about 8 doctors, nurses and anesthesiologists) said they like when people giggle because that means I'm happy. And they all laughed back at me. And that's the last thing I remember. When I woke up I really felt like I hadn't fallen asleep and kept asking when it was time for me to go back to my surgery, even though it was over. I also apparently insisted George take my picture and was upset when he said Cheyenne couldn't be in the picture with me. (These pictures are on facebook).

Because of the shape of my chin and face, and throat for that matter, they had to intubate me at some point during the surgery cause I wouldn't breathe on my own but they gave me oxygen and I'm fine. The doctor explained to me afterwards that my throat is going to hurt worse than normal because they had to do that. He also said that my tonsils had a ton of scar tissue on them as well as lots of puffy white dots, like if I was really sick. Even though I wasn't sick at all before the surgery. That means my tonsils really were in very bad shape!

Yesterday when I got home I felt pretty good. I had a sore throat but it really didn't hurt any worse than when I'm sick with tonsillitis or strep. I am on an antibiotic and percocet. Before I agreed to the surgery I made the doc promise to give me a nausea medicine. After the surgery he was explaining my meds to me and didn't mention one. He said he didn't want to because it could have a bad effect with the pain meds. I haven't had a problem feeling sick from it though so I guess it's okay! I take the pain stuff (it's liquid!) every 4 hours and that has kept me pretty comfortable.

I did wake up with a choking feeling yesterday afternoon and coughed a little more than I was supposed to. I'm supposed to sleep sitting up for the first 48 hours after surgery, which has had a very bad effect on my neck, and my ribs really hurt too (I have no idea why). I've been eating applesauce, yogurt, pudding, popsicles, chicken broth and lots of water. I'm very happy that I can eat! Even though today really does not feel good I was prepared to feel worse! I am constantly hungry but am taking that as a good sign that at least I can and want to eat and drink. I was very afraid I'd feel too nauseas to eat or drink and would make myself sicker.

Anyway... that's the update. I love you guys so much and miss you and I'm already bored out of my mind for being in bed for 2 days. Maybe I'll move to the couch tomorrow...? And since I can't talk on the phone really I thought I'd give an e-mail update. You can call and check on me anytime. I will try to talk to the best of my ability, but only briefly!

I LOVE YOU guys!



P.S. I've been using my yellow baby-blanket. It makes me feel better. :)

So... that's the e-mail sent to the family! That was written on day 2 after the surgery. Day 3 was alright, but day 4 and 5 were miserable. I felt so horrible! I can't explain how much pain I was in. I was just so uncomfortable. My whole body ached and I just felt sick! Days 6 and 7 were better than 4 and 5 and I felt like I was 'on the mend'. BUT day 8 and 9 were the worst of them all. I was sure I was going to die. My ears hurt SO bad. The doc had warned me that I would think my ears were infected and I sure did! But because he had warned me of this I knew that they weren't and was able to get through it. It truly was an awful process. I am glad I only have one set of tonsils and I won't have to get them out again! I wish to never relive that!!! Whew! I am looking forward to the positive effects of not being sick all the time! I had strep, ear infections and tonsillitis frequently (like, every 2-3 months, if not more) and I hope those will subside! I haven't been sick yet! Although it's only been about 4 weeks, I've been feeling well... with the exception of my throat hurting when I yawn. My sneezes are also different!!! I used to have tiny sneezes and was complemented on 'how cute' my sneezes were. But now... they're big sneezes! They feel completely different and I don't care much for them. Oh well! I hope I get to feeling better for good!!!

Hope you are all in good health!!!



yahoo said...

being a child of ear infections and pneumonia type colds, i haven't had ear infections since 11th grade when i got my tonsils out....even though it's not a standard anymore, it sure was a good decision for me, and hopefully it will make a difference for you :)