Thursday, March 31, 2011

Being Thankful Part Two/Dos/Ni

Ok, good news. I finished my finals! It was by far the most challenging semester of college I’ve ever endured. It’s not only that the courses were tough, but the past 10 weeks have been mentally and emotionally draining. With my husband deploying, earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crap, leaving my Yokota family at a moment’s notice, arriving with my family family in Georgia and getting settled here while my heart is literally aching for Japan, plus personal health issues, poor time management et cetera et cetera, the excuses just go on and on. I’ve just been a train wreck.

Through all of this I’ve come out just fine. I have millions of things to be thankful for. We all do. Can we just stop our little selfish worlds for a second and thank God, the universe and the people around us for the wonderful things we do have?

 I have a home in Japan that keeps rain off my head, and my body warm (when George isn’t there to control the thermostat, of course).
 I have the ability to put food on my table.
 I have a table.
 My husband, though very far away, loves me and supports me through thick and thin.
 My family throughout the country loves me.
 My friends on many different continents love me and bring lots of laughter to me.
 Facebook. It sounds stupid, but it connects me with family and friend worldwide.
 My parents are truly the best in the world. They’d do anything for us “kids.”
 My doggie Cheyenne offers undying love, and she’s healthy, happy and here in Georgia with me. Even though she’s a pain in the rear every once in a while.
 I am getting an education.
 I can walk, see, talk, and hear. (and eat incredibly delicious fattening American food)
 I can drive a car on both sides of the road.
 I have cars I can drive on both sides of the road, on both sides of the world.
 I have money in the bank, and food in my belly (Chick-fil-a to be exact)
 My best friend in Japan and her husband welcomed the sweetest little baby boy into the world the other day. I can’t wait to meet baby Miles! (And what a cute name!!! Congratulations Jeff and Caitlin!)

I realize this list can be trivial, but if I had hours upon hours to sit and write, the list would probably never end. My blessings never end, so why would my list???

What are you thankful for?



George said...
