Friday, May 6, 2011

An old "To Do List" Visited...

Hi friends,
I have lots to tell you about what’s been going on with me the past little while. I did tons of fun trips, saw lots of friends and family and I am now back in Japan! Now that I’m back home, it’s time to focus on that to-do list I posted back in January. Here’s a re-cap:
1. Finish our wedding scrapbook—HA! Maybe someday…
2. Finish 18 hours of college credit—9 down, 9 in progress! GO ME!
3. Eat 3 vegetarian meals a week—Eh—I did pretty well with this before I went to the states where I ate tons of meat… like steak. And I LOVED it. Those steroids were Uh-Mazing. Mmmmmmmm! But I have been eating one here and there, so that’s good.
4. Learn more Japanese—Well, I still have time before George gets back.
5. Visit family and friends in GA—CHECK
6. Get a plant and keep it alive—I’m going to buy one this weekend!
7. Plant flowers and keep them alive—I just ordered some!
8. Read books—I’ve read lots of Psychology textbooks (ugh) and finished the latest Emily Giffin book “Heart of the Matter”. Emily’s got it going on. Every time I read one of her books I get obsessed with the idea of writing my own novel someday. And I still want to write children’s books. I also purchased (which I never do) Water for Elephants, and my friend Caitlin gave me a novel called The Red Tent to read too.
9. Make my bed in the mornings—it’s good that I even get out of bed in the mornings.
10. Run—Every once in a while! And now that the weather is starting to warm up here in Japan, it sounds even more appealing.
11. Organize our storage area—I plan on doing that this week. I had to take Cheyenne’s giant crate out of it to take our trip to GA but I can’t get it back in without organizing it. So… this week, this week!
12. Organize our guest room—Besides the closet, it’s done!!! YES!
13. Find 2 new bands to love—I found Mumford and Sons. LOVE THEM. What are your favorite bands? I need a second one!
14. Take a military hop somewhere exciting—I don’t think I’ll get this one done before George gets back. :-/ Oh well!
15. Teach Cheyenne to jump through a hula-hoop—She’ll walk through it, I still need to take her to a grassy field and try it outside where there’s room to jump!
16. Plan a fabulous vacay for us to take upon George’s return—We’re still considering the location.
17. Get a bikini body—in the works.
18. Learn to navigate the train systems here all by myself—I’m going to take off one weekend soon!
19. Take an ITT tour—Anyone want to sign up for one?!
20. Send George lots of packages, love letters, and baked goods—Check!


yahoo said...

not slowing down there either...go Chelsea, go, amongst reading one of those good books