Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Hope this post finds you in Happy Halloween spirits! (Pun intended). And I hope you like our new page! I took a computer course this semester and learned a little bit... I am just pleased I have been able to apply it to a situation in which I'll really use it. That's always a nice thing! :)

This weekend we stuck around the base and I've done a ton of studying for finals which are this coming week. Boooooo! The weekend wasn't all work and no play though, I assure you we celebrate Halloween!

There was a Typhoon headed our way and there was the potential to have to evacuate all of the planes from the base so George was basically "on call" (not that he's a doctor) to leave at moment's notice and take the planes elsewhere... but luckily we only saw some light rain. It was pretty steady rain, raining most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday but nothing serious.

George and I borrowed costumes from my sister and her boyfriend this year for Halloween... well, the dress my sister gave me was huge on me! (It was huge on her when she wore it too, to be fair!) So somehow I convinced George to switch costumes with me! It took quite a bit of convincing, but he reluctantly agreed! We went to party #1 which was hosted by Adam and Melissa... it was mostly people from George's squadron; it was a lot of fun to see everyone dressed up and the decorations at the party were amazing! I've had some vertigo problems in the past and during the party experienced some serious dizziness and headaches, hot flashes and just overall yucky feelings so we left a little earlier than we planned but we had a great time while we were there!


The next night we went to a party our neighbors Kyle and Julie threw at their place... they had a new baby a few weeks ago so I had a good time snuggling baby Connor... he is SO precious and even had me thinking for a minute that I can't wait to have kids (don't worry, it was only for a minute!) :) Since I couldn't convince George to dress up as a woman again (I still can't believe I talked him into the first night) we pulled an old "Beer" costume out of the hat and I ended up dressing as a dog... in which I wore all black, safety-pinned a "tail" to me, drew a black nose on, and wore Cheyenne's collar and leash... it worked! It was just fine! We usually get pretty into Halloween but we both had a lot going on this month and didn't pull anything great together!

Sunday night (tonight) I made dinner for George and 4 of his single friends; it was nice to cook for a big group. And we passed out candy to the trick-or-treaters, which is always a good time! We spent the day studying and cleaning the house... and this week will be finals for me, work for George and then hopefully will do something very Japanese this weekend because I haven't had a good Japanese experience in a long time, which is really stupid because hello... we live in Japan!

Happy Halloween!



Unknown said...

So since you took this computer course you can help me edit my blog! I want to change the color behind my header and can't figure out how to! Also I like how you added the 4 pictures of you guys below your header. How did you do it? Help me!!!!!

judy brassfield said...

You always make sure you have a great Halloween.....once again you pulled it off