Sunday, January 6, 2013

Siem Reap, Cambodia Day 1

We flew into Cambodia, got our visas taken care of, found a taxi and headed to the Soria Moria Boutique Hotel! Check out their website and read about all the good they do. My writing wouldn't do it justice.
After a quick drink at their rooftop bar to welcome ourselves to Cambodia we hit up a tuk-tuk to take us into town. Never mind it being less than a 2 minute tuk-tuk ride; we quickly figured out it was definitely walking distance. 

The mintiest 'welcome mojito' I've ever had.

Siem Reap has a handful of large markets and since George and I are expert hagglers, we never miss an opportunity to check them out. The market we first encountered had the regular touts shouting "what you need? I give you best price." and "you want bag? I have nice bag, special price just for you." "Lady, please, just look." Surprisingly, I do not hate being called lady.

 I don't think we bought much on this first day, maybe a couple of t-shirts? We did not purchase any of the sausage hanging below. But I will say it did smell horrendous and I could not wait to get out of there and have a snack.

After one lap through the central market we even found the Best Mexican Food in Asia and had nachos for a snack. Yum! Leave it to me, I will always track down the best Mexican food, no matter where I am!