Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cambodia: Four-Wheelin' and Traditional Dance

The next day in Cambodia we did the number one rated thing on, (because we're tourists) and took a "Quad Bike Adventure Ride"! "What is that?" you may ask. Well, I will tell you. It's ATVing, or 4-Wheelin', as we call it in Georgia. This ride was truly a look into what Cambodia looks like outside of the temples, fancy hotels, and touristy markets. What a way to truly see Cambodia. It's people, houses, animals, all very fascinating. This was Thanksgiving Day in America, and trust me. It made me VERY thankful for all we have. I don't have a ton of pictures of this day as our hotel room was too cold from the air conditioning and when we brought our camera out into the hot Cambodian air, it fogged up and stayed like that for the remainder of the morning. #firstworldproblems, but here's a few pictures of what we saw. Also, we saw a TON of farm animals in the dirt roads. Herds of them. It was my favorite part, next to meeting and giving candy to the sweet children who ran out to greet us, the tourists.

That evening a local youth group came to our hotel to give us a demonstration of Aspara Dancing and Khmer culture. It was cute to see them, and we learned something too. It's always nice to support local causes of the places we visit, and the Soria Moria Boutique Hotel stopped at nothing to preach responsible tourism. Check out their site for more information if you plan to travel there.