Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Long Awaited Pictures!

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted and since the house is finally in order (for the most part!!!) I thought it was time to take some pictures and post them here for you all to see. :) Enjoy!!!

The view from the front door looking in

Our 'makeshift' foyer/ living room

Another view of the living room, from the front door

Looking from the dining room

Looking to the right on the balcony (on the other side of that fence is off-base)

The view if you look to the left, on a clear day you can see mountains! (Note: George's new grill)

The view straight out the back door

The Laundry Room, which is in the kitchen. I had George hang curtains so there is a bit of a separation between the two. It's working well.

Kitchen/ Laundry Room


Dining Room

Our itsy-bitsy bathroom. ::sigh::

Guest bedroom/ my crafting area. I can't wait to get our wedding scrapbooks done (I know it's been 2 years but give me a break, my scrapbooking stuff was in storage for 9 months of those 24, and it took me at least 6 to get all the pictures developed!)

Guest bedroom again, a better view. Who will come and visit??? You???

Our bedroom

The built in closet. The guest room has a lot of storage built in too. Neither are walk-ins but everything fits just fine.

Bedroom again. I realize that my dresser top is a disaster, but hey- you saw the bathroom. There is NO counter space, so there all of my things are going to sit!


Susannah Sanders said...

Love the curtains in the kitchen. We have our washer and dryer in our kitchen and I actually love them there!