Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ode to my Magical Oven

I'd like to take a second to brag on myself for the wonderful treats I've been baking lately. I'm beginning to think that we have moved into a home that has an oven with magical powers. Seriously. I have made cookies, a cheesecake, a chocolate-chip pecan pie, and now chocolate chip cookie dough brownies. (Is your mouth watering???) And EVERY single one of these dishes has turned out perfectly. I mean... seriously. It cooks everything evenly, and I can't brag enough about my magical oven. My cheesecake didn't even have a crack in it, not ONE! Amazing.

Now, I'd like to take a tiny bit of credit because "Hey", I made the batter, I prepped everything, I put it in the dish, and I put it in the oven, but that oven, whew, it is really doing the dirty work. I guess I'll hand out some other credit to the people who gave me the recipes... my mom, my Aunt Joy, George's mom Kathy, and the one and only Mrs. Betty Crocker (I'm only assuming she's married).

Anyway, maybe I'll take pictures of the things I bake from now on. I also have something delicious smelling in the crock pot. Maybe I'll share the recipe and photos if it turns out well. Stay tuned.

Now... if I could only get that magical oven to magically clean the kitchen...


Lauren Alderman said...

so it was the sucky oven in LR. . . i hope you weren't starting to get discouraged. I am glad you have redeemed yourself!

Plane Jane said...

You know, for living about 15 feet from you, I'm dissapointed with how many of these treats have made it to my door.... or to my tummy!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm on the next plane ....yummm