Monday, March 1, 2010

George tried to bribe me with fruit snacks and a new puppy. Seriously.

Ok, remember how I said that George was looking up houses to buy? It has gotten more serious than just looking. He's looked into loans, met with real estate agents, seen several homes and has done nothing but try to convince me it's a good idea to buy a house before we leave and rent it out. I just think it's so scary to think about other people taking care of something that we would own and would be responsible for! I am still very apprehensive but I did get talked into looking at a few properties he really likes and wants to show me... we're going in the morning to meet with the real estate agent. :-/ I'll let you know how it goes. He came into the living room the other night with a pack of fruit snacks. He says to me, "hey- want some?" I reply "of course!" His response... "and a puppy?" Me... "Yeah..." Him "Ok, well let me buy a house and I'll give you both." Bribery. That's what this has come to. I mean... a new puppy and fruit snacks? It ALMOST worked.

So I said about a week ago that I got Rosetta Stone from the library and I have it for 3 weeks right? Yep, just opened it tonight. Luckily I didn't uninstall it and was able to start where I left off... which was at Unit 1, Lesson 1. So I re-did it all, and was really surprised at how much I remember. I last had this in October, so I think that's pretty good I remembered all 12 words I learned! Right?! I learned, boy, girl, dog, cat, plane, car, man, woman, horse, elephant, and ball. Yep, in the Japanese language you have to learn Elephant before bathroom. Ha. I was expecting touristy words, but I guess that isn't exactly what Rosetta Stone is all about! It's about actually learning the language, not just about a weeks vacation to get by. After those initial 12 nouns it moves into verbs and I learned above, under, boat, table, inside, outside, fence, jump, run, walk, dance, read, chase, fall, water, fish, bull and bird. I'm in big trouble. It's SO complicated! What really throws me off is that they never say a phrase in English! So you learn solely from trial and error. It's difficult to explain, but it's nothing like learning Spanish! I keep waiting for these words to have something in common with the Spanish language, or heck- even English for that matter, but it really lacks a connection!!!

Why couldn't we have been stationed in SPAIN?! Oh yeah, because they closed that base in the '90s! I guess I'll tough it out. I've really been craving sushi since I started the lessons!

I finally wrote Fox News an E-mail about how awful the typos/spelling errors are on their website, and I feel better about it. I mean... how hard is it to send it to an editor before it is published... or at least hit the SPELL CHECK button! There are no excuses for releasing an article that says "tehy didn't like it." As opposed to "they"!
::Disclaimer:: I am SURE I have had a typo or two, and I'm sure it'll happen again, but I want to point out this is a blog, not a national news network. ::End Disclaimer::